win10 WSL2: docker, systemd, etc


由于新款Mac性价比走低,近期转为使用Windows作为主力开发系统。但是在开发过程中需要上Linux测试,或者说部署一些服务,例如MySQL,Nexus OSS等。本人又是一个Docker重度依赖者。之前一直是长期在Windows下启动一个Linux虚拟机辅助开发操作。占用大量磁盘内存资源不说,操作和维护也极为繁琐。

直到近期了解到Win10 2004正式版版本支持WSL2,问题得到了完美的解决。WSL2相比WSL1来说可以完美支持Docker。与WSL1的模拟Linux API不同的是,WSL2采用在Hyper-V虚拟机中运行的方案。可以说WSL2和原汁原味的Linux已经十分接近。本人实验了一番,安装部署成功,将整个步骤分享给大家。

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  • 腾讯会议、QQ 电话等类似软件断流
  • 网易云音乐断流
  • ……

为了解决这些问题,我辗转反侧的思考,日夜不停的实验,在树莓派和 J1900 之间反复横跳,安装 OpenWrt,使用 Redirect 代替 TProxy,更换不同的 DNS 查询思路,调试 V2Ray 配置等等。直到今天(真实情况是几天前),我又重新装回了亲切的 Ubuntu 20.04,趁机记录一下过程以及一些零碎的思考。


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90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins

There are well over 100 Unix commands shared by the Linux kernel and other Unix-like operating systems. If you are interested in the commands frequently used by Linux sysadmins and power users, you’ve come to the place. Recently, I published a five-part series covering commands often used by Linux sysadmins.

Below I’ve listed the 90 commands covered and links to each of the five posts in this series. Some of the commands listed include links to related articles. There are also thousands of commands available if we include downloadable software and scripts, such as bpytop (pictured below). However, for this article’s purpose, we will cover mostly Unix commands used on Linux by sysadmins and power users. If you find this page useful, let me know if you’d like to see similar posts in the future.

bpytop - Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins
Pictured: bpytop – There are many system/server monitoring and network command-line tools available.

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Nginx 文件上传限制配置


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Turn off monitor automaticlly in Linux CLI

Add consoleblank to the GRUB commandline: Once there, just add consoleblank=60 to GRUB_CMDLINE_DEFAULT, it should look like this: Then close the file and save it, after that just run sudo update-grub and voila, every time you boot the screen will turn off automatically every 60 sec. (again, if idle).


安装驱动之前先卸载现在的驱动,否则很可能会冲突。 显示所有可安装的驱动: mhwd -l –pci 显示当前已安装驱动: mhwd -li –pci 卸载当前驱动: sudo mhwd -r pci [driver-name] 安装依赖: sudo pacman -S virtualgl lib32-virtualgl lib32-primus primus 安装nvidia闭源驱动与intel驱动混合版bumblebee: sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-430xx-bumblebee 启用bumblebeed服务: sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed 将用户添加到bumblebee组: sudo gpasswd -a $USER bumblebee 重启后遇到需要独立显卡的部分使用: optirun [appname]